Jolly July

17 Jul

Promo bulan ini untuk konsultan baru Oriflame, wah… bikin ngiler. Nyesel juga nih nggak gabung di bulan ini. Ayo ayo… buat yang mau ikutan, bulan ini saat yang paling tepat untuk bergabung dengan Oriflame.

Untuk masa keanggotaan setahun hanya bayar Rp 39.900,- dengan diskon sampai 30% untuk beli produk Oriflame, belum lagi diskon beragam produk yang selalu ada setiap bulan. Promo spesial bulan ini, silakan lakukan order pertama minimum sejumlah Rp 175.000,- maka potongan harga sebanyak Rp 10.000,- bisa didapat. Ini masih ditambah lagi dengan bonus hadiah foot file yang harga normalnya mencapai Rp 27.900,- Jadi, jika sukses di bulan ini, bea keanggotaan setahun ternyata cuma keluar uang sebanyak Rp 2.000,- saja.

Promo Jolly July

Satu program promo lagi di bulan ini, jika berhasil mencapai pembelian sebanyak 75 bonus poin, sebagai hadiah welcome program alias WP1, body butter (untuk cewek) atau face wash (untuk cowok) bisa dibawa pulang. Gratis lagi. Bulan berikutnya, bonus bertambah dong. Hadiahnya? parfum special edition, yang tentu saja boleh milih, mau tipe cewek atau cowok. Huwaa… mau…!!! Yuk, ikutan jolly July di bulan ini. Detilnya bisa dilihat di situs Oriflame, tapi daftarnya bisa langsung di sini kok. Yuk…! Jangan sampai nyesel kayak saya 😦

This month promo for a new Oriflame consultant, well … it make you drool. I regret it that I didn’t join Oriflame this month. Come on come on… for you who want to join, this month will be the most appropriate time to join Oriflame.

For the membership, you only pay Rp 39 900, – with discounts up to 30% to buy Oriflame products, not to mention discounts on various products that are always available every month. This month’s special promo, just do the minimum first order of Rp 175,000, – then the discounted price of Rp 10.000, – could be obtained. It’s still coupled with a foot file as a bonus prize that normally you can get it for Rp 27 900, – But you can get it for free (if you can fulfill the requirement) So, if successful in this month, a year membership fees turned out just as much as Rp 2.000, – only.

Welcome Program Prizes

One more program for this month, if you successfully achieve the purchase of 75 bonus points, as a welcome gift program (WP1), you can get FREE body butter (for female) or a face wash (for male). The next month, the bonus is surely increases. The prize is special edition perfume, which you may choose, the female type of male one. Huwaa … I want  it…!!! Come, let’s join Jolly July this month. You can see the detail of information in the official website of Oriflame, but you can register directly from here. Come! Do not let yourself be regret like me : (

Satu Tanggapan to “Jolly July”


  1. Pashmina, from Indonesia for Oriflame « Batikmania's Beauty Business - Juli 21, 2010

    […] 199.000,- Jika belum bergabung bersama Oriflame, boleh langsung dari sini. Ayo, kapan lagi…? Juli ini kesempatan terbaik untuk bergabung. Nggak bakalan nyesel […]

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